There are a lot of studies which show how harmful cigarettes smoking can be for smoker and even for those around them.
For example a study of paternal smoking in Hong Kong observed that kids whose fathers usually smoke are ponderous at seven and 11 years old than among those who have non-smoking fathers. But another investigation of kids in Britain and Brazil found that mothers who use to smoke may influence the smoking behavioral problems in their children.
But in Hong Kong, researchers at the University of Hong Kong investigated a group of 6519 children born in 1997, for which health registers and information on family smoking was accessible. Among the group, more fathers than mothers light up, and children of smoking fathers showed a greater modification from their BMI than those whose fathers didn’t smoke.
Because as it is known, fathers in the Chinese culture have a minimal role in diet and lifestyle choices of their children than mothers. Scientists argued that the fathers' smoking habit affected their children's obesity via biological ways, through secondhand smoking exposure.
Another study, led by Marie-Jo Brion at the University of Bristol, intended to regulate for the entire usual factor that might affect children's mental and social health state. These involved factors such as depression in the parents, parental education, the family's social position and income, and of course parental alcohol consumption.
By comparing two kinds of populations, a middle class group in Britain and a lower income group in Brazil, where smokers’ rates are higher, then the scientists also expected to prevent smoking effects that are autonomous of socioeconomic status. If the effects of smoking continue to persist in both groups, they supposed that it would suggest a stronger possible causal relationship.
At the end of investigation researchers observed that mother’s smoking increased by an amount of 53% the risk that kids in both populations would be aggressive, break rules, bully, defraud or else display mischievous manner, compared to kids of non-smoking moms.
But the effect of paternal smoking was approximately half that of maternal smoking. So, researchers concluded that smoking effect on behavior is happening during pregnancy. Among both groups, an average of 18% of mothers continued to smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day during pregnancy, despite public health messages warning about the possible harmful effects of the smoking habit on the growing unborn child.
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According to the Iowa Health web site, "*Overall, there’s not much
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