Cigarettes occupied a great part of life in the 70s. People lighted them up in great numbers. To quit or not, and to smoker of not were the most spread topics.
In 1969, the most popular cigarette brand was Embassy Filter, which was launched in 1962 and took an astonishing 25% of the tobacco market in 1968. By 1971, it was displaced by the Players No 6. In 1972 the below listed cigarette brands constituted 95% of all tobacco products sold:
• Sovereign (filter)
• Silk Cut (filter)
• Player No 6 (plain)
• Benson & Hedges King Size (filter)
• Rothman's King Size (filter)
The majority of the most famous brands contain filter. At those times smokers considered that the cigarette filter would protect them hazardous effects of smoking. However, various medical studies have demonstrated the contrary.
In 1970, 55% of men and 44% of women lighted up. The number of smoking cigarettes had declined from the peak of 60% in 1948 and the effects of smoking on health were starting to slowly sink in. In spite of the study presented by Professor Sir Richard Doll, which linked smoking with various illnesses, cigarette smoking a great part of life that the habit was too difficult to eradicate.
In 1971, cigarette producers agreed to place health warnings on the packages – “Warning by HM Government Smoking Can Affect Your Health”.
The organization has never published any report in which it would compare one cigarette brand with another. They acted only in the interests of consumers and advised only that people should think about giving up this habit. Also there were many stories regarding the safety pg other forms of smoking as cigar smoking or hookah.
So, the 70s was namely that period when people accepted the hazards of smoking and the number of the population who lighted up dropped greatly. The first anti-smoking group, ASH, was created in 1970 and had the objective to inform the public about the hazards of smoking. The rate of men and women smoking cigarettes declined during the 70s. Already by 1980, about 40% of men and 35% of women consumed tobacco products. Current figures are: 25% and 23% respectively.
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